Launching of activities (2018-19) of ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra – Alappuzha


        Thamarakulam and Vallikunnam Grama panchayaths of the district are selected as the operational area for implementing various activities of the KVK viz. farmer participatory On Farm Testing, Frontline Demonstrations, Training programmes, Farmer Field School and Extension activities during 2018-19. The launching programme of these activities was inaugurated by Sri. R. Rajesh, Hon’ble MLA, Mavelikkara on 12th July, 2018 at EMS Smaraka Community Hall in Thamarakulam. The chief guest in his inaugural address appreciated the initiatives by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra in the district and suggested to promote programmes integrating the traditional knowledge with novel scientific technologies to increase the farm production. KVK Newsletter for the period January-March 2018 was released on the occasion. Critical inputs for selected interventions viz. Turmeric HYV Pragathi, Kadaknath layer chicks, IISR PGPR Capsule and Multi nutrient mixture “sampoorna”, were also handed over to partner farmers during the occasion.

    Smt. Rajini Jayadev, President, Bharanikavu Block Panchayath presided over the function. Smt. V. Geetha, President, Thamarakulam Grama Panchayath; Sri. G. Murali, President, Vallikunnam Grama panchayath; Smt. K. Suma, Member, Alappuzha District Panchayath; Sri. M.K. Vimalan, Vice President, Bharanikavu Block Panchayath; Smt. Priya K. Nair, ADA, Bharanikkav block; Sri. K. G. Ashok Kumar, Agri. Officer, Thamarakulam; Smt. Shanida Beevi, Agri. Officer, Vallikunnam; Dr. K. Harikumar, Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Thamarakulam; Dr. Thomas Mathew, Veterinary Surgeon, Vallikunnam; Smt.M. Shibana, Dairy Extension Officer, Charummood; Dr. P. Muralidharan, Head, KVK-Alappuzha; and Shri. M.S.Rajeev, Subject Matter Specialist, KVK spoke on the occasion. About 100 persons including farmers, Grama Panchayath Members, Officers of the line departments, and Kudumbasree attended the programme.

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