16th SAC Meeting of KVK-Alappuzha


       The 16th SAC Meeting of KVK-Alappuzha was held at 10.30 am on 29.11.2017 in the auditorium of ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam under the chairmanship of Dr. P Chowdappa, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod. Twenty four members of the SAC attended the meeting. Dr. P Chowdappa in his introductory remarks congratulated TEAM KVK for winning the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Protshahan Puraskar 2016-17 for Zone XI. Dr. P Muralidharan, Principal Scientist and Head presented the action taken report of the 15th SAC meeting, overview of KVK activities during the last year (2016-17), and the programmes proposed for the current year. Dr. D V S Reddy, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Bangalore requested the members to critically review the activities of the KVK for improving further and highlight the problems faced by the farmers of the district so that KVK can address them. The Subject Matter Specialists presented the activities undertaken in their concerned areas during 2016 -17.

        Dr. P Chowdappa, Chairman in his concluding remarks appreciated the activities of the KVK and thanked the members for their valuable and constructive suggestions. He assured the members that their suggestions will be taken care of in the coming years and more effective linkages with the development departments will be established.

       The meeting came to an end at 02.30 pm with vote of thanks proposed by Shri M S Rajeev, SMS, KVK-Alappuzha.

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