Pre- Rabi Agricultural technology meet organized by ICAR KVK Alappuzha in collaboration with ATMA Alappuzha


          A two days Agricultural Technology Meet was organized in collaboration with Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, ATMA and Mararikulam North Grama Panchayath at Kanichukulangara Service Co-op bank Auditorium on 14th &15th, January, 2017 to showcase new and successful technologies in the field of Agriculture and Animal husbandry . Dr. T. M .Thomas Issac, Hon. Finance Minister of Kerala inaugurated the meet in the presence of Sri.G.Venugopal, President, Alappuzha Distict Panchayath, Peoples’ representatives and district level officials of various line departments. Followed by the inaugural session, Dr.S.Ravi, SMS (Animal Science) handled a session on “New and successful technologies in Animal husbandry sector” with experience sharing from partner farmers. On the second day a farmer –scientist interface on “Sustainable technologies for crop production in Alappuzha district” was conducted. Dr. P. Muralidharan, Principal Scientist and Head coordinated the interface in which all the SMSs of KVK participated. In the interface interactions were made on the use of high yielding varieties, importance of soil health management, production and use of organic manures, integrated pest and disease management, coconut based integrated farming system, etc. This was followed by a session on “Value addition of Agricultural produce” by Smt. Jissy George, SMS (Home Science). More than 1000 farmers actively participated in the two days programme. A technology exhibition was also arranged with participation of 25 various agencies at the venue and leaflets and booklets were distributed to farmers. Prizes were distributed in the valedictory function to students who won in the agricultural quiz competition conducted and to farmers who exhibited their produces in the exhibition conducted as part of the technology meet.

Inaugural function Audience AH session KVK Exhibition stall