Climate resilient technologies in paddy cultivation facilitated by ICAR-KVK-Alappuzha gaining popularity in Kuttanad region of Kerala


Climate resilient technologies in paddy cultivation facilitated by ICAR-KVK-Alappuzha gaining popularity in Kuttanad region of Kerala

       The package of resource conserving and eco-friendly technologies for climate resilience in paddy cultivation viz: sowing of seeds using drum seeder, soil test based dolomite – fertilizer application, and eco-friendly pest and disease management using Pseudomonas, trichocards etc facilitated by ICAR-KVK-Alappuzha is gaining popularity among farmers and spreading in different parts of the Kuttanad region. Originally demonstrated in Muttar village under the NICRA project, the package of technologies offer climate resilence, economic gains and environment protection by the optimum and proper use of inputs viz: seed, fertilizer and plant protection agents. Kizhakkemunduvelipparambu padasekharam of Muttar panchayath having an area of 60 acres comprising of 35 partner farmers is adopting this package in toto this year. Inauguration of sowing of the crop in this padasekharam was done by Smt.Daleema Jojo, District Panchayath Vice President, Alappuzha on 11.11.2016.The programme was attended by Shri.Mathukutty Eapen,President Muttar Gramapanchayath , Mr.M.J.Joseph, Member, Muttar panchayath, Dr.P.Muralidharan, Head, ICAR-KVK-Alappuzha, Sri.Srikumara Panikkar, Agricultural Officer, Muttar, Sri.Alexander Antony, Former Panchayath President, M.S.Rajeev, SMS, KVK and more than 100 farmers from all over the panchayath representing different padasekharams.

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